Former Unilever CIO Moves Into Health Care

Unilever’s former CIO, Dave Lewis will be stepping into the role of CEO at Medentre to spearhead a new effort with an expected $6 billion in revenue. With his unique experience as a global manager and executive for multinational companies, he has been able to bring Unilever-like efficiency and innovation to healthcare.

The “jane moran leaves unilever” is a story about how former Unilever CIO Jane Moran has moved into the health care industry.

Former Unilever CIO Moves Into Health Care

Jane Moran, a former global chief information officer of Unilever PLC, is helping a Boston-based health system enhance technology, including improving the hospital experience for patients and their families.

Ms. Moran started as chief information and digital officer at Mass General Brigham Inc. in September, a newly formed role that oversees 2,000 staff.

Mass General Brigham is linked with Harvard Medical School and operates 14 hospitals, including Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital.


Jane Moran is the chief information and digital officer of Mass General Brigham.

Brigham, Massachussetts

Ms. Moran’s responsibilities include integrating and supervising the organization’s information systems, digital health, and data and analytics teams, which are all housed in the new Mass General Brigham Digital department.

One of the goals of combining these teams is to create solutions to improve hospital visits for patients and their families, which is becoming an increasing focus for healthcare CIOs. According to Ms. Moran, the technique has advantages such as more accurate diagnosis and patient adherence to treatment programs.

“I believe that healthcare will become more consumer-focused,” she said. “I believe that people demand a greater voice in their therapy.”

Ms. Moran was the head of information technology at Unilever, a consumer goods company located in London, for roughly seven years until departing at the end of 2023. Her decision was prompted by a personal desire to return to the United States, she said. She worked at Thomson Reuters Corp. as a technology executive before joining Unilever.

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Ms. Moran believes that her work at Unilever prepared her well for the new task of making a health system more patient-friendly. One of her goals at the Dove soap and Lipton tea company was to increase client loyalty and involvement. She assisted with the introduction of a platform that analyzes and measures marketing efforts, customer evaluations, and other data in order to get insight into how to enhance goods and increase loyalty.

She said, “I can see the connection between working in a consumer company and now working at Mass General Brigham.” “If you think about it, there are a lot of aspects that transfer over in treating our patient populations like consumers.”

At Mass General Brigham, one initiative is to add customer-relationship-management features to the organization’s electronic-health-record system, which health practitioners use to keep track of patients. CRM systems are used by businesses to get a better understanding of their customers and to manage their sales and marketing efforts.

The goal of the technology improvement is to improve medical care coordination with patients and their families at Mass General Brigham. A patient’s health record, for example, may suggest that a CT scan is required. However, Ms. Moran said that with CRM capabilities, the hospital could keep track of the patient’s preferred health facility locations, send appointment reminders, create a list of family members who should be kept informed about visits and outcomes, and more.

Stanford Health Care, which is part of Stanford Medicine, and Mayo Clinic, which has large sites in Minnesota, Arizona, and Florida, are two other notable healthcare providers that employ technology to enhance the patient experience.

The MyHealth app from Stanford Health Care assists patients in communicating with physicians, scheduling appointments, accessing records, and determining where to go during a hospital visit.

According to Michael Pfeffer, Stanford Health Care’s CIO, a better patient experience may lead to increased patient involvement and satisfaction. “When patients have a better experience, the engagement with care teams improves,” he said.

Mayo Clinic collects and analyzes vitals and medical data from patients in their homes using remote patient monitoring technologies. This was particularly important during the Covid-19 epidemic, according to Mayo, to assist patients’ needs outside of the therapeutic context.

John McCormick can be reached at

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