Halo Infinite multiplayer is ruined by being free to play

Halo Infinite will be free to play, the multiplayer is ruined by this decision.

The “halo infinite multiplayer” is a game that has been released with free to play. The game has received mixed reviews from the community.

Halo Infinite multiplayer artwork

Great fun, terrible advancement in Halo Infinite multiplayer (Photo courtesy of Microsoft)

A reader criticizes Halo Infinite’s multiplayer advancement system, claiming that it risks ruining an otherwise excellent game.

Now that Call of Duty: Vanguard and Battlefield 2042 have been deemed failures by the majority of players, the path for Halo Infinite to be named the greatest online shooter of the year seems to be clear. We don’t know how the campaign will turn out since no one has played it yet, but because to the free-to-play nature of the game, anybody with an Xbox or PC may play the multiplayer for free.

I definitely have, and I’ve had a great time doing so. I haven’t played Battlefield 2042 (never been a fan of the game), but Halo Infinite is definitely miles ahead of Call Of Duty, particularly since it feels unique and has a level of energy and excitement that its competitors don’t appear to have.

The gunplay isn’t quite on par with Destiny, and I’ve never been a fan of the Halo look, but it’s certainly a fantastic online shooter. Except for one thing: the advancement system, which has nothing to do with the gameplay but has already made the game tedious and hard to play.

You can’t expect an online shooter to be successful for a long time based just on its own merits these days. All that would happen is that serious gamers would improve their skills, while newbies, or those who don’t play it for 10 hours a day, would find it more difficult to win. As a result, they’d abandon up and look for anything else to do, and subsequent sequels would be unlikely to pique their interest.

This behavior has been recognized by game developers, which is one of the key reasons why all games now have battle passes and similar advancement systems. Fortnite isn’t popular because everyone who plays it expects to win, but they also know that no matter what happens, they’ll still be able to gain XP and unlock a few items in their battle pass just by participating.

That means the top 10% of players may compete to see who is the best, while the rest of the players can be content with the fact that they are making progress and always have something to look forward to in terms of unlocking more.

Of course, microtransactions and defrauding gamers for money are another reason for battle passes and cosmetic stuff in general, but I believe most people are alright with that currently. Even if the thought of spending £11 for a Fortnite skin brings tears to my eyes.

Halo Infinite certainly knows all of these principles, but its approach is noticeably different from that of its competitors, and it is far poorer. In Halo Infinite, you advance by accomplishing particular time-limited tasks rather than by accumulating XP. This has two apparent issues: just playing the game does not reward you anything, and there are so few challenges that you must very immediately begin repeating the same ones in order to level up.

There isn’t enough time to do everything unless you take Halo Infinite on as a full-time job, and getting all the parts of the samurai armour, which is the current meta goal, is nearly impossible because everything is time limited, and you’ll have to wait until the next round to get the parts you missed.

However, Microsoft does have a remedy, and it’s, guess what? Microtransactions! You can purchase samurai-themed merchandise, but there’s almost £50 worth on this one event alone, and the only way to obtain the free things is to work your way through everything in a fashion that would take the better part of two months.

343 claims they’ve heard the concerns, but nothing has changed so far, and it’s unclear how much will since these are basic issues with the multiplayer progression system as a whole. The basic premise is incorrect, and it seems to be built only for the purpose of spending as much time and money as possible on the game.

People wonder how the Craig the Brute preview occurred last year, but how did this multiplayer system make it past the design process without everyone pointing out how bad it was? Halo Infinite may be the greatest online shooter this year, but that’s not saying much, and it has some severe issues of its own right now.

Making Halo Infinite’s multiplayer free-to-play may have been the worst thing that could have happened to the game, and if it doesn’t receive a significant rethink soon, it will pull the whole game down.

Grackle, a reader


The reader’s feature does not necessarily reflect GameCentral or Metro’s opinions.

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MORE: Cheaters have already infected Halo Infinite, and players are blaming PC gamers.

Again: Halo Infinite campaign co-op and Forge mode have been delayed once more.

MORE: Halo Infinite Multiplayer Beta: Shooter of the Year

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