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Love & Sex

Explore love, relationships, and intimacy with expert advice and insights into love and sex.

4 Ways “I Miss You” Often Means More than “I Love...

Saying “I love you” to someone is a big deal. As minuscule as our society makes it sometimes, it should mean a lot to...

3 Reasons Laughing During Sex is the Most Intimate Thing a...

When you first start sleeping with someone, sex can be insanely awkward. You (hopefully) know the basics, but you don’t know how the other persons...

7 Reasons You Can Never Really Stop Loving Someone

I heard Dan Fogelberg’s “Same Old Lang Syne” earlier today, and remembered my high school girlfriend for the first time in a while. I...

8 Women Talk About the Biggest Penises They’ve Encountered

Here’s a common misconception: women love huge penises. Yeah. No. One time, during my slutty years, I had a one-night stand with a guy who had the most...

5 Ways to Make Doggy Style Sex Insanely Hot

You hear it time and time again, if you’re with the same person for long enough, sex can get kind of routine. The fact...